1419 Dorchester Road, Brooklyn, NY 11226 -- phone: (718) 941-6700, fax: (718) 941-6702, e-mail: dorchesterlife@optonline.net -- Funded by NYC Department for the Aging.
Dorchester offers a variety of fun activities that let you express your creativity to the fullest. We began this summer with a continued tradition at Dorchester. We choose a certain day to all dress in the same color. This July we chose the color to be yellow like the sizzling sun. To be honest we didn't think it would be this much of a success, but our members really enjoyed it. Most of our members participated and we had lots of fun. We even ran a contest for the most creative outfit. This August we chose the color blue like the bright summer sky. Once again, we ran a contest with prizes. It was a delightful experience to all our members and staff.
Winner of the Yellow Day Contest looking like a basset hound.
On August 6th, 2010 Dorchester featured an amazing performance by a high school band,"Those Guys". This event was set up by our summer volunteers and our staff. This was a very enjoyable experience for all of our members. The band sang acoustically to a few modern songs, such as "After Tonight" by Justin Nozuka, "I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz, and a few originals, "See the Light" and "Beat of the Drum." They say, music brings us together. Which is why our members decided to kick it with our open mic. Our very own Marty Zlott sang a couple of lovely songs. Our Senior Idol winner Rufus Stoute also decided to show off his skills, and was accompanied by Roman Drevinskiy on the piano. We had snacks and refreshments, and a bit of confetti to bring up the mood even more. Big thanks to "Those Guys" for performing at our center. We wish to have you again!'
Adults over 60 are welcome to join us! We are located at 1419 Dorchester Road, Brooklyn, NY 11226. Nutritious hot kosher lunch is served daily at 12:00 noon, $1.00 suggested contribution for persons over 60, and $2.50 for persons under 60. We have FREE activities daily, including aerobics, line dancing, choral groups, arts & crafts, knitting & crocheting, yoga, ESL classes, blood pressure screening, and much more!
We are located on the corner of Dorchester Road and Marlborough Road. Take the Q train to Cortelyou Road station and walk one block south on Marlborough Road. We are located at Prospect Park Temple Isaac -- enter through the lower level.